It is always a thrill when a model offers to travel from a distant place just to shoot.
Even the best photographers don’t always get it right first time. We went to a wee fishing village.
We have mentioned the rule of thirds on many occasions during this series, and some have asked what.
By now you will have chosen your spot, travelled there, scouted around and then identified the photo that.
This weekend saw us welcoming some beautiful young ladies (and a not so beautiful Russian man) to Studio.
The use of filters is a subject in itself. Having identified your locations, chosen the best time to.
Ok, so you have decided where and when you are going, and it is time to hit the.
The August holiday weekend was filled with frustration as the weather did not play ball, work commitments ate.
I have been asked to write a series of entries on how I secure the final images that.
A rare venture into mens fashion (those who know me will verify that my fashion sense is limited).